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Vale James O'Neill

James O’Neill, Vice-President of the Queensland Branch of the Australia-China Friendship Society, passed away on 5 December 2022.

James was a barrister-at-law. He did a law degree at the University of Auckland and worked at the University of Waikato in New Zealand in legal matters. He was especially interested in international law, human rights and the law of war. He worked in Brisbane in law from 2002 until his passing twenty years later.

James was a fierce advocate for peace and dedicated his life to its realisation. He was a strong friend of China and spoke many times on its behalf in our Society. He also knew a great deal about Russia and visited that country many times. He was a fierce defender of Australian independence and shocked and horrified at the way Australian governments seemed so happy to act as lapdogs of the Americans. One of his mantras was that “The Australian government does not seem to have any plan beyond doing what the Americans want”.

James was a prolific writer. He wrote an article nearly every week, arguing the case for independence or peace, or against the anti-China policies of the Australian and other governments. James was also an excellent speaker. He was always interesting and could hold the attention of his audience. We have learned a great deal from him.

Apart from admiring his work, James O’Neill was very well-liked in our Society. He was invariably kind, modest, learned, gracious, humane, polite and hard-working. We will miss him enormously.

Written by Colin Mackerras on behalf of the Australia China Friendship Society Queensland.

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