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Establishment of the People's Republic of China


-Korean war breaks out
-Tom Loy (founder of ACFS Queensland) arrives in Australia


  • Menzies Government legislation passed banning communist party in Australia.

  • Legislation declared invalid in High Court

  • Menzies Government initiates referendum to ban communist party – defeated in September.

  • Wayne Lee arrives in Australia from Kwangzhou (via Hong Kong in 1950), studies Mechanical Engineering at UQ - is the first Chinese graduate in mechanical engineering

  • Tom Loy studies electrical engineering at QUT

  • Wayne and Tom meet in late 1951, in Tom's fathers shop.


  • Youth Carnival for Peace and Friendship in Sydney organised by the Chinese Youth League in Sydney on 15-23 March, 1952  with involvement of Arthur Lock, Secretary of Chinese Seamen's Union.-   Chinese delegates unable to attend because of no recognition of China, and no delegates from communist governments given visa.

  • Tom Loy joins Eureka Youth League in Brisbane.

  • Sydney Peace Carnival attended by Tom Loy and Wayne Lee, as members of Eureka Youth League   See photo of Tom with flag at the carnival.

  • After the Sydney Peace Carnival, letters sent to some Chinese youth who attended the event, warning them not to get involved in Australian politics, with the implication that they would be sent back to Hong Kong.

  • In June 1952, Dr John Burton, a previous head of  External Affairs Department of Australian Federal Government visited China to attend a preparatory conference for a “Asian and Pacific Peace Conference” to be held in Peking in October that year. On his return to Australia, he addressed a mass meeting of thousands of people in the Brisbane Festival Hall where he called for Peace and Friendship with China during the Korean War. At this mass meeting a proposal to establish a Queensland Australia China Friendship Group was put forward by a Queensland Carpenters Trade Union Official and supported by Mrs Jessie Ferguson, a music teacher who became the first Chairperson.

  • After this meeting, group meets to form an organisation to promote better understanding of China, and peace with China.  Tom Loy in this initial group, along with Jessie Ferguson as first President, and Carpenters Union official.


  • Dorothy Luck joins the ACS

  • Difficult period for ACS to operate because of anti-communist campaign.

  • Korean war ends.


  • Judy Loy arrives in Australia


  • Dorothy Luck is Secretary during this period

  • ACS send out a “Peace Dove” Christmas card to all members in December


  • Dorothy Luck is Secretary during this period

  • ACS send out a “Peace Dove” Christmas card to all members in December


  • 1st volume of ACS Qld journal produced in summer of 1960/61

  • Committee: Nancy Wills is Secretary of Qld Branch

  • Celebrates the establishment of the national ACS, with CP Fitzgerald as Pres., J.J. Greenland as Sec, and Dr Sandy and Mr Callaghan as VP.  National Committee meeting held on Nov 5th, 1960 to discuss national organisation, and the effect of proposed amendments to the Crimes Act on the operations of the ACS.

  • Qld Branch decides to oppose the Crimes Act amendments, and call public meeting on Dec 5th, 1960

  • Arch Dawson, Sec of Elec Trades Union, reports on his visit to China in 1960 as part of a TLC Delegation – toured factories, workshops, people’s communes and farms.

  • Open general meeting of ACSQ on April 10, with Burgoyne Chapman and his wife speaking on “Meeting Old Friends in China”, a report of their trip back, after having worked for 27 years in China as missionaries and teachers.

  • Chinese acrobatic troup visit Brisbane – welcomed by ACS

  • ACS campaigns for recognition of China by Australian Govt

  • Film evening in March

  • Photo exhibiton on “Second Five Year Plan”

  • ACS runs a May Day Cabaret at Moray St., New Farm with gypsy violin, soft lights, sweet music, and top flight artists, and a chinese supper.

  • Celebration of Chinese national day (12th anniversary of PRC) – “birthday party frolic” at Social Services Hall, new farm

  • Consideration of establishing a ACS lending library of books etc about China

  • Theatre party organised to the opening night of “The Painter”, new Aust play by Nance Macmillan


  • Committee: Nancy Wills is Secretary of Qld Branchy

  • March general meeting of acs – including a report and slides by Warren Bowden on his recent trip to China

  • Public forum on “trade with China, and Recognition of China” in April

  • National Day celebration on Sept 29 with Bill Rigby, MLA and Alex Macdonald, Sec of TLC


  • Committee: Nancy Wills is Secretary of Qld Branch

  • National Day celebration at Chinese club, Dixon St., with Tom Uren speaking, MLA Fed member for Reid

  • Journal report of National Council meeting in Aug 1963.  Nacy Wills and Miss Thomas were Qld delegates.  CP Fitzgerald is National Pres., Dr C. English is  National Secretary.  First tourist group visited China (23 Australians – organised by Vic Division)   Also a cultural delegation visited China, including John Manifold.  Aim to produce a national bulletin by next year 1964

  • ACS general meeting on Sep 19th, with Alex Macdonald speaking about his second trip to China

  • First group of Australian tourists visit China for National Day in Oct 1st.  Includes Qld treasurer Noel Jack.


  • Committee: President Hec Chalmers, Secretary  Mrs B Thomas

  • Bill Morrow moves to live in Qld

  • Qld Branch supports national ACS resolution condemning US policy in Vietnam.

  • Xavier Herbert writes of his desire to visit China and his great admiration for what the Chinese people have achieved

  • Tom Loy and Bill Morrow meet with Xinhua Agency rep in Kenmore - are followed and observed by ASIO

  • Vice President Burgoyne Chapman dies,

  • Renewed calls for recognition of China


  • East Wind Bookshop opens in Elizabeth St., selling a wide range of Chinese magazines and books, and Marxist classics published in China.


  • In March, Bill Morrow elected as National Council Delegate

  • Bill Morrow and Tom Loy purchase a film projector from China, for Bill to use in public meetings

  • Bill holds meetings showing a film on Acupuncture in China.  Syd Clare argues (in letter 12/6/72) that this film should be shown even if there is no payment to borrow it, as the "main purpose  of the society is to disseminate information about China within Australia, and to enlighten the Australia public about the true facts regarding that country - the spreading of information and truth is a necessary pre-requisite to building friendship between Australia and China."


  • Committee: Secretary Bob Brook, News Letter Editor Don Wilson

  • National Day celeb at WWF Hall – 200 people attend

  • Rewi Alley visits Brisbane as part of national tour, and ACS organises meetings at TLC and at UQ

  • Chinese books, journals and material sold in East Wind Bookshop in Elizabeth St

  • October - Tas branch send Bill Morrow best wishes for his 80th birthday.  He replies to thank them, and remind them that it is actually his 90th birthday!


  • Committee:  Hec Chalmers (P), Bob Brook (S), Dorothy Luck (T), Don Wilson(Newsletter Ed) Norm Taylor

  • ACS discusses in bulletin the differences between the Soviet Union and China

  • March National Council meeting of ACS.  Bob Brook and Tom Loy delegates. reports on the conference.

  • Member Jack Lee joins tour to China and reports to ACS via newsletter

  • ACS AGM held on 3rd July in Trades Hall.  Hec Chalmers and Dorothy Luck retire from their committee positions

  • ACS promotes film showings at Schonell Theatre run by Uni Chinese Society, Chinese Cultural Group and Chinese Society, in June, Aug and Sept.

  • Bill Morrow as member of Qld ACS tours Tasmania and holds public meetings with film showings.  This tour is supported by Tasmanian TLC and some individual unions as well.

  • ACS prints articles critiquing the anti-China campaign in the press, eg. The current Antonioni film Chung Kuo on China.

  • National Day celeb for 25th anniv of PRC at WWF Club hall, with guests including Mr Liu, First Sec of PRC Embassy in Canberra, Colin Mackerras  Celebrations also included films on China, shown at Schonell Theatre.

  • ACS national delegation visits China, with deleg Tom Loy and Bob Brook.  They give a talk on their visit to meeting at Chinese Club in Auchenflower in October.

  • ACS shows Felixe Green film “One Mans China” at Schonell Th in Dec

  • ACS members attend Economic and Trade Exhibition of PRC in Sydney in October. Don Wilson Des Fitzgerald .

  • Marjorie Hutchinson, Qld branch member teaching in China, writes regular letters to ACS branch, and these are printed for each edition of ACS newsletter on developments in China.


  • Committee: Tom Loy (P), Bob Brook (S), etc

  • ACS organises national tour of Dr Han Suyin, author of "Love is a Many Splendoured Thing" on Mon 17th Feb.  City Hall is filled with 2000 people.  $1637 in ticket sales.Tours all state capitals.

  • Qld branch member Jim Sharp joins workers trip to China in AprilFive Study tours - veterans, workers, teachers and students tours, general interest.

  • Chinese soccer team visits in August - ACS welcomes team at airport and attends Qld Soccer Fed events

  • Talks to ACS meetings by Leary's on “Australian Tourists in China”, and also Garth Everson (China Green and Bound – a Conservationist view of China)


  • Chou En-Lai memorial meeting

  • Five Study tours - veterans, workers, teachers and students tours, general interest.

  • Mao Tse Tung memorial meeting (joint with Chinese Cultural Assoc.).   Speech Given by Don Wilson. Ray Liu and Wayne Lee talk at this meeting.

  • Films  shown May, July, Sept., Oct, November (15 feature films in total) at Rialto - Sparkling Red Star

  • 5 Day exhibition of photos, painting, arts and crafts, including also film showings, panel discussions on conservation led by Garth Everson, and radio interview on community radio 4ZZZ with B Morrow and T loy

  • ACS Float in May Day procession with sign "850 million people with no inflation and no unemployment

  • Assistance to a group of high school teachers visiting China

  • B Morrow lectures at schools

  • ACS establishes an Information Centre, including a library


  • Visit report by Myrna Setunga

  • ACS runs Elementary Chinese course 24 2-hour classes

  • Film "East is Red" shown

  • Marjorie Hutchinson talks about teaching in China

  • April - Bill Morrow visits Cairns to help organise a sub-branch of ACS in north Qld.

  • ACS information centre at 1st floor, 110 Roma St.

  • National Day celebrations - dinner and cultural activities at Spring Hill Playground Assoc Hall

  • Martial Arts deleg to Brisbane - met and hosted a tour of Bris.

  • ACS Float in May Day procession

  • AGM in June.

  • Committee:  Bill Morrow (P), John O'Donnell & Jim Sharp (VP), Tom Loy (S), Dorothy Luck (Ass S), M O'Donnell(T), Don Wilson (Newsletter Ed), R.Gwyther, Sheryl O'Neill, Gerry Fitzgerald, M Moriarty, Lex Freiberg, C Elder

  • Nev Clatworthy visit report

  • D Wilson visit report

  • September - friendship delegation to China, with Bill Morrow as rep from Qld.

  • Branch Planning conference  at QIT

  • End-of-year dinner

  • Bill Morrow celebrates 89th birthday in China


  • 15 study tours (24 or 48 people each) - General, workers, veterans, lawyers, health care, teachers/students/handicrafts.

  • Musical evening + talk by Dale Craig (Music academic)

  • Felix Green film "Tibet" shown

  • Hec Chalmers dies

  • Madelaine Macpherson talk - New China and the Gang of Four

  • Panel discussion on Education in China

  • ACS Float in May Day procession

  • Gold Coast sub-branch formed, with Office Bearers Sylvia Patterson and C.T. Large

  • Visit by Australia Cardiologists to China

  • Many requests from schools for information on China - Bill Morrow speaks at schools

  • Films are lent members - Handicrafts in China , and Felixe Green film Iron Tree Will Blossom.

  • Chinese scientists visit CSIRO about nitrogen fixation.

  • North Coast film evening at Bill and Valda Baines (Buderim)

  • Film evening - May Day China 1977

  • Bill Morrow finished up as President

  • ACS AGM held in June.

  • Committee: Jim Sharp (P), Tom Loy (S), Dorothy Luck (Ass S), E Scanlon (T), Bill Morrow (Nat Councillor), Robyn O'Neill, Don Wilson, Viv Fitzgerald, Glen Fordyce, B Chapman

  • Workers visit report to Taching Oilfiel;ds

  • Film evening - Women of the Grasslands, and Barefoot Doctors

  • Forum on China's Foreign policy - T Loy, D Fitzgerald, B Morrow and C Mackerras

  • Health-care worker's visit report on psychiatry in China

  • Celebration social BBQ for Bill Morrow 90th birthday, and conferred Life Membership for Bill, on 22nd Oct

  • ACS builds up a slide library from members, for lending to schools etc

  • Clayton Bredt talk on Chinese economy in last 500 years

  • ACS planning conference for 1978, held at Worley's place


  • Planning Conference report for 1979 at Trades Hall - decided to have ACFS meetings on Friday instead of Wednesdays

  • ACS National Council special meeting on tours in Canberra in January - Jim Sharp & Tom Loy attended.  Motion from NSW to change name to ACFS was rejected.

  • Decision to run a small shop - and a centre for information, meetings etc

  • Audio-Visual group of ACS - maintain slide library, movie showings at meetings and schools.

  • 20 Tours to China during 1979  - 24 or 40 person

  • Forum on China's 4 Moderniations, with Colin Mackerras & Garth Everson

  • Comments on Chinese-Vietnamese conflicts over Cambodia.

  • Telephone tree arranged to enable people to greet visiting Chinese delegations

  • Evening on Tour reports - on national minorities in China

  • Chinese Film evening at Kindler Theatre

  • BBQ at Worley's place to welcome Chinese Social Scientists delegation - 60 people attended

  • Bush Dance at QIT with Bail-em-Up Bush Band - May 7th

  • ACS Friendship Float in May Day procession on May 7th

  • Discussions on production of a National ACS Bulletin - preparations for national conference

  • Tour report from Ross Gwyther and Ted Mumford at TLC rooms

  • Summary - 4 delegations from China (Foreign Affairs group, Solar energy scientists, Agricultural management group, and Social Scientists

  • Membership 130 financial (65 unfinancial)

  • Committee: Jim Sharp(P), Ross G(VP), Tom Loy(S), Dorothy Luck(AssS), Dawn Worley(T), Kerry Cahill, Sue Carter, Sue Charles, Viv Fitzgerald, Glen Fordyce, Madelaine Macpherson, Katie Milne, Sheryl Oneill, Pat Royal, Don Wilson, Jack Worley.

  • Set up of Activities group sub-committee

  • Discussion of joint function with ALP (Fadden FDE)  for 30th anniv of China.  Vote rejected a joint function, but recommended block bookings discount

  • ACS National Conference rejects proposal to change name to ACFS, and agrees to simplify aims of ACS to be "promote friendship and understanding between the peoples..." and agrees to proceed withp production of a National ACS Bulletin

  • 17 Aug lecture on Law in China - Jack Lazarus

  • National Day Dinner Oct 6th at QIT - 30th anniversary of PRC - 280 guests - Guest speaker Prof Willett, VC of Griffith Uni, + Chinese folk dancing, martial arts, and Australian Bush Music.

  • 12th Oct monthly meeting with Humphrey McQueen speaking on Australian attitudes to China

  • 2nd Nov Talk by Ross & heather Patrick on 'China-coast to Russian border" (former director general of Health)

  • 30 Nov tour promotion evening at Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens

  • First public meeting of Australia China Council (estab by Fed Govt under Foreign Affairs Dept

  • Stall at Ethnic Radio Fair 1st Dec at Musgrave Park - Chinese handicrafts and literature

  • Xmas breakup party at QCWA hall Gregory Tce (1st meeting at QCWA)


  • 18 Tours in 1980

  • Robyn Oneill report on 12 months teaching in China in Guangzhou and Kerry Cahil showing photography from her tour

  • AGM in Feb - considered proposal to restructure branch with 3 monthly general meetings, produce info kits etc, regular social activities

  • Sue Baker films "5 Faces of China" shown to critics (QCWA March 28th) and to public Rialto Theatre 14th April

  • Committee: Jim Sharp(P), Ross G(VP), Tom Loy(S), Dorothy Luck(AssS), Pat Royale(T) Robyn Oneill (TourS), Dawn Worley, Kerry Cahill, Glen Fordyce, Madelaine Macpherson, Ernie Bennett, Dale Craig, Helen Gillespie, Sheryl Oneill, Jack Worley, Ros Gillespie, Jan Knight

  • Branch membership 121(financial), 49 unfinancial

  • Dale Craig leads a committee to host Brisbane leg of tour of Chinese Folk Music and Dance troupe in September-October

  • ACS shop established at 411 Goerge St (upstairs), and stock from "Independence Bookshop" of Chinese books purchased.  Bob Brook as Honorary Manager

  • Info Kit on China produced for use in schools - based on slides contributed by members

  • Audio-visual group, led by Ros Gillespie, produces slide kits for schools

  • June meeting - Colin Mackerras on China's National Minorities

  • Meeting with Hao Jing Qi, earthquake scientist at UQ Physics Dept, and Luo Min Huei music student at Qld Conservatorium

  • Bill Morrow dies July 14th 1980

  • National Council Conference in August - 30 motions for conference, including 4 Qld motions. Jim Sharp & tom Loy as delegates.

  • National Day Dinner Dance, with 80 guests, at Chinese Club.

  • September Banquet with Chinese ambassador to Aust., Mr Lin Ping - first visit to Qld.

  • Film evening with Felix Greene films in November

  • Three visiting Chinese music students perform at music evening and supper in December


  • AGM on 6th Feb + three films on music and culture in China

  • Sylvia Monk (member on Gold Coast) collects books on English literature, history and geography and sends boxes of these books to school in Kweilin.   Letter from students says "thousands of thanks to your ACS branch for sending books to our school"

  • Committee: Keith Jenvey(P),Ted Mumford, Dale Craig (VP)m Tom Loy(S), Dorothy Luck (MinS), Fannie Craig (TourS), Pat Royale (T), Ernie Bennett, Ross Gwyther(Newsletter Editor), Charlie Roberts, Angela Jenvey, Peter Chan, Jack and Dawn Worley, Mrs Hartwig

  • Charlie Roberts takes over running of bookshop

  • 14 Tours to China in 1981

  • BBQ social activity in March  to meet and welcome Chinese National Folk MusicTroupe (China Broadcasting National Music Ensemble) members.   Concerts organised at Conservatorium, UQ, Griffith Uni and City Hall (500 audience).  Also hosted them to toursit spots in Brisbane.  Interviews with convenor Dale Craig on radio 4EB and also ABC radio.  Nationally the ACS makes a $15,000 loss on the national folk music troupe tour.

  • Discussion at ACS meeting on issue of the Gang of Four trial

  • Meeting - discussion on Education in China, with two teachers returned from China, Anna Kohler and Jan Knight

  • National Conference in Jun - Keith Jenvey and Tom Loy delegates,   19 motions for conference (3 from Qld).   Still rejected the name change to ACFS.

  • Meeting at Qld Art gallery for guided tour of "treasures of Forbidden City" exhibition.

  • Regular social evening meeting in July - 3 feature films shown  on Art in China

  • Meet and host George Hatem (Ma Haide) on his visit to Qld (31st July)

  • Public Film evening at Brisbane Community Arts Centre - "From Slave to General" feature film shown.

  • In August Mary McKeering takes over from Charlie Roberts as bookshop manager.

  • Tour report from members at September meeting, plus slides

  • National Day Buffet Dinner with Chinese musicians entertaining.  Organised by Mary McKeering.  at Camp Hill Activities Centre.

  • October meeting - report from Jack and Dawn Worley and Sue Carter  on fisrt ACS tour to Tibet.

  • Branch hosts visit of two visiting Chinese dance students to Brisbane - social evening at CWA rooms.

  • November ACS meeting - Film showing of Rewi Alley life in China.

  • Xmas breakup social evening at CWA - 4th December.


  • 13 Tours in 1982

  • ACFS AGM in Feb.  25 members attended (seen as poor attendance)

  • Committee:  Keith Jenvey(P),Ted Mumford, Ernie Bennett (VP), Tom Loy(S), Dorothy Luck (MinS), Rita Lowe (TourS), Pat Royale (T), Mary McKeering(Bookshop M), Lil Gwyther(Social C), Jennifer Single, Judy & Paddy Woolcock (new Newsletter editor).

  • Membership of society 158 members

  • March social meeting to meet with four Chinese scientists and engineers  working at UQ

  • Lecture and discussion  by Colin Mackerras on the "Current Political and Economic situation in China" on Aprl 2

  • Banquet to celebrate 30th anniversary of ACS Qld Branch at Phoenix Restaurant, 80 guests

  • Delegation to China as guests of Youxie, with a delegate from Qld branch

  • branch arranges accomodation for visiting Chinese academics (one for 1 week, and two for 12 months)

  • National Conference held in Melbourne.  Keith Jenvey and Tom Loy as delegates.  This year the Name was resolved to change to Australia China Friendship Society.

  • Film evening showing doco on "Tanzam Railway" on 4th June

  • BBQ picnic on Queens Birthday weekend at Gold Coast admin park, to meet with visiting Chinese students and scientists, good attendance

  • July lecture on "Christianity in China" by Clayton Bredt at CWA rooms.

  • Life membership conferred on Bob Brook.  Bob has spent years arranging to donate a horse to China (?? more details needed on this!).  Also life membership for Dorothy Luck

  • ACFS newsletter includes sections on Chinese language, cuisine and music - appreciated by members

  • National Day banquet on Oct 2nd, to celebrate 33rd anniversary of PRC, and 10th anniversary of establishment of Aust-China diplomatic relations. 160 guests.  Guest speaker Sir Theodore Bray, Chancellor of Griffith Uni.

  • Tour promotion afternoon in October at Kindler Theatre, after adverts in papers, on radio, and in teachers journal.  Speakers Syd Clare (National Tours Secretary) and Sylvia Monk from Gold Coast..  Lil Gwyther as MC for the event.


  • AGM on 4th Feb at QCWA - 50 members and friends attended.

  • Committee:  Tom Loy(P), Keith Jenvey(S),Ted Mumford, Ernie Bennett (VP), , Ross Barnard (MinS), Rita Lowe (TourS), Shirley Bricknell (T), John Terry(Bookshop M), Lil Gwyther(Social C), Margaret Bailey,Jennifer Single, Janine Solomos, Clayton Bredt, George McGregor, Paddy Woolcock & Nev Norrie (Newsletter editors), Shirley Norrie (auditor), Nat Exec deleg Keith Jenvey.  (8 people on the newsletter committee)

  • March meeting - address by Colin Mackerras on "The Uygurs of Xianjiang - an experience in the far-west of China"

  • 6 Tours in 1983

  • New members welcomed in the newsletter each month

  • March meeting with Dr Dale Craig An Intro to Chinese Opera”

  • ACS group booking to Chinese Opera visiting Brisbane in April

  • Members Michael McDonald and Mr J Toms pass away

  • May visit to Entombed Warriors Exhibition.   ACS holds a banquet for curators of exhibition in May.

  • ACS national council in June with Tom Loy and Keith Jenvey as delegates.

  • September social outing to Mt Glorious for picnic in a chartered bus, with Chinese friends invited.

  • July meeting – report by Tom Loy on his visit to China as part of National deleg

  • Branch advises members that the Chinese Foreign affairs dept is actively seeking English teachers for China.

  • Film evening at QCWA in August

  • Members Dr and Mrs Hatwig who took up a 2 year appointment with Australian Embassy in Peking.

  • October National Day banquet at Golden Bowl Restaurant with 130 present.  David Wadham from Foreign Affairs represented Mr Hayden and spoke.

  • November monthly meeting is a tour promotion event, with Syd Clare from Sydney, and Keith Jenvey and Lil Gwyther talking on their recent tours.

  • Special mention in newsletter of Dorothy Luck, long time AS member who joined “30 or 31 years ago”

  • Xmas party in Decmber at QCWA


  • Plans for 1984 – (Mar) Discussion of Current Chinese Issues, (Apr )– Chinese Medicine, (May)– film festival, (Jun) – Tai Chi classes, (Jul) – Chinese music, (Aug) – Chinese Language, (Sep) – Moon Banquet, (Oct) nat Day celeb, (Nov) – tour promotion, (Dec) – party.

  • ACS special projects during 1984 – school prizes for best language student, prize for History Teachers Assoc essay on China, Prize for Economics teachers Assoc essay.

  • AGM held in Feb at QCWA

  • Committee:  Tom Loy(P), Keith Jenvey(S),Ted Mumford, Neville Norrie (VP) , Ross Barnard (MinS), Rita Lowe (TourS), Shirley Bricknell (T), Neville Norrie (Bookshop M), Lil Gwyther(Social C), Margaret Bailie (Newsletter editor), John Terry & Shirley Bricknell (Proof Readers), Shirley Norrie (auditor), Committee member George McGregor,

  • ACS members meet visiting medicos from Medical Faculty in Shandong Medical College, working at UQ

  • 3 Tours in 1984

  • March meeting - open discussion of current Chinese Issues, with Wayne Lee speaking on unification of China, return of HongKong, and China and the World.

  • March meeting – Chinese musical recital, by Deng Wei on pipa and erhu, with Dale Craig speaking.

  • May meeting – TaiChi demonstration

  • ACS members meet for a meal with composer Prof Luo Zhonggrong, who is a Musica Viva visiting musician

  • June meeting with Chai Van Dorssen talking about form and content of ACFS Chinese language classes.

  • July meeting on traditional Chinese medicine with Hien Trinh and Peter Sherwood speaking

  • ACS member organise a farewell party for two academics returning to China.

  • Jointly organises a Chinese film festival with Griffith School of Modern Asian studies in August.

  • June ACFS national council meeting in Perth

  • Sept reception at Chinese Club, for National Day celeb

  • Sept picnic to Oreilly’s

  • Sept ACFS “Influential Australians” Delegation to China, with Qld rep Dr Noel Preston, Chalpain at QUT and Chair of People for Nuclear Disarmament.  Noel give a report t the Nov meeting of ACFS, with a talk “China, the bomb, and the Peace Movement”


  • AGM on 1st Feb

  • Committee: Tom Loy(P), Nev Norrie & Keith Jenvey & George & Vida McGregor & Lil Gwyther (all VP), Isabel Clarke(S) -(resigned and replaced by Keith Jenvey in July), Shirley Norrie(T), Rita Lowe(Tour S), Lil Gwyther(Social C), Molly Blake (Newsletter Ed), Nev Norrie(Bookshop C), Isabel and Eddie Clarke (Newsletter assistants), Committee members – Clayton Bredt, Ross Barnard, Guy Brehon, Chai Van Dorssen, Violet Lowe,  & Roger Ng (Auditor).  Nat Council Deleg Tom Loy and Keith Jenvey

  • Plans for 1985 – Chinese Concert, Talk on Chinese economy, national conf., music, taichi, picnic, national day celeb, tour promotion, party

  • 8 Tours to China in 1985

  • March, ACFS members organise theatre party to attend visiting Chinese Dance and Entertainment Troupe.

  • April talk by Paul Ivory, on “Chinese Economy – how it affects us”

  • Long time ACFS member John Manifold dies

  • May talk by Keith Jenvey on Chinese Herbal medicince

  • ACFS exec members attend official government events welcoming senior Chinese visitors.

  • June – Youxie delegation visits Brisbane and hosted by ACFS

  • June – national council of ACFS meets in Brisbane.  Qld Chosen to organise the Annual Bill Morrow Lecture – deferred until 1986.

  • Influential Ausralians delegation to China – Qld reps Janet Irwin (Director of Medical Service at UQ, and Susan Hocking (Sunday Mail journalist)

  • September – two life members, Bob Brook and Dorothy Luck, offered a free visit to China in recognition of their long service.  Dorothy unable to go because of ill health

  • September National Day banquet at Chinatown Garden Restaurant

  • Tour promotion evening Nov 30th, with visiting national officer jeff Culnane - talked about  Cycling tour of China.  Also Sue Hocking (CM journalist) reported on her first trip to China, as well as her companion Dr Janet Irwin


  • AGM on Feb 28, with guest speaker Prof Hugh Dunn from Griffith Uni, on "the Panda in China"

  • Committee: Tom Loy(P), Nev Norrie(Sen.VP), Harry Dean, Keith Jenvey, Vida McGregor, Guy Brehon (all VP), Keith Jenvey(S), Nev Norrie(Bookshop C), Shirley Norrie(T), Ina Bade(Tour S), Lil Gwyther(Social C), Guy Brehon(Newsletter Ed), Shirley Bricknetll, Angela Jenvey, Laurie & Barbara Woods, Father Chan

  • Bookshop moves from 411 George St to 279 Junction Rd., Clayfield.

  • Ten(10) tours in 1986 tours.

  • New Year celebration at New Chung Shan restaurant, with 90 people attending.  Also ACFS reps attended an official new year celebration by the combined Chinese organisations in Brisbane.

  • June meeting - demonstration of Tai Chi and sword use.

  • ACFS members accompany other Chinese community members to meet visiting delegation including the Panchen Llama of Tibet on May 2nd

  • July meeting talk by Dr Paul Ivory on "Trade in China"

  • National Conference in Canberra - Tom Loy and Shirley Norrie as delegates.

  • Members meet delegation from Hong Kong China Tourism Press and China Travel Service

  • August meeting - showing films supplied by Chinese embassy in Canberra

  • Sept meeting talk by Keith jenvey on Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • ACFS members join with other Chinese community members in annual Moon Festival celebration, run by Council of Chinese Organisations.   ACFS runs a stall at the event.

  • ACFS members assist local Ethnic radio 4EB in arranging a tour to China, hosted by Beijing Broadcasting Bureau.

  • Barbara Woods talks to local QCWA about her early years grwoing up in China for 20 years.

  • ACFS holds a banquet to celebrate Chinas national Day on 28 Sept, with 80 guests, including Chinese scholars and students

  • ACFS members hold a picnic at Natural Arch, using two coaches to transport members and guests.

  • Picnic on Oct 25 to welcome visiting Chinese scholars - Oriel Park, Ascot

  • ACFS hosts visiting Chinese cartoonist to visit Brisbane for two days  in December, with his works on display, including Xmas BBQ at Newstead Park .

  • Plans for social events in 1987 decided by November, with one each month - and a film festival in August at Griffith and QIT


  • Regular March meeting - demonstration and lessons in MahJong

  • New Chinatown Mall opened in Fortitude Valley.  ACFS President Tom Loy opens the celebration dinner of 300 guests, introducing Lord Mayor Sallyanne Atkinson and others, including Chinese researchers from Guanxi Institute of Parasitic Disease Control

  • Committee: Tom Loy(P), Nev Norrie(Sen.VP), Harry Dean, George & Vida McGregor, Guy Brehon (all VP), Keith Jenvey(S), Barbara Woods (Ass S), Nev Norrie(Bookshop C), Shirley Norrie(T),Laurie Woods(Tour S), Guy Brehon & Dorothy Turner (Newsletter Ed), Rita Lowe, Angela Jenvey, Ina Bade, Patrick Thornton, Shirley Horton, Doris Schaeffer, Bruno & Angela Hawes.

  • Bookshop and centre opens on Sundays as well as through Friday and Saturday mornings.

  • April meeting on Acupuncture

  • Committee member Ed Britten, Professor of Agriculture at UQ, is awarded funds by the Australia China Council to  ship his library of agriculture research journals to Chia, following his attendance at an Agricultural Research conference in China the previous year.

  • ACFS members host visiting Chinese artist Mr Liu Ji-Rong, who had a 3 day exhibition and demonstration at the Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education in Toowoomba, a visit and exhibition in Gold Coast City Council foyer,  and exhibition and demonstration in Chinatown Mall.  Visit organised by Mr Clayton Bredt.  Farwell banquet arranged by ACFS at Golden Palace Restaurant.  The visit led to good relations between ACFS and Deean of Arts at Toowoomba DDIAE

  • June, ACFS shifts centre to 1st Floor, 161 Wickham St., Fortitude Valley, with space for a shop and meeting room.,   Bookshop opened each day in morning, Friday all day, and Sat & Sunday 10:00 -1:00

  • July 1987, at invitation of China International Cultural Exchange Centre, Guangxi branch, delegation of 7 ACFS Qld branch members visits Guangxi, representing technology transfers, trades, Chinese medicine, artificial dyeing methods, tourism and pottery.  Agreement to  develop friendly bilateral relations - formal bilateral cultural exchange agreement signed on May 5 1988.

  • National Day celebration at Playground and Rec Assoc Hall at Spring Hill  - banquet catered by ACFS members, on October 3rd.

  • ACFS members and Chinese scholars & students arrange a bus trip to Oreilly's rainforest centre in the Numinbah Valley

  • Plans for 1988:  Scroll exhibition; reception from Hong Kong delegation, Chinese film festival; Display of Chinese stamps; National Day celebration; Bus trip; Mooon Festival; Queensland Day;  Gaungxi night; Seminar on Chinese Medicine; Xmas party;  Chinese language classes


  • ACFS national delegation to China in April

  • Committee: Tom Loy(P), Nev Norrie, Guy Brehon, Barbara Woods, Noel Britten (all VP), Keith Jenvey(S), Guy Brehon (Bookshop C), Shirley Norrie(T),Laurie Woods(Tour S), Guy Brehon (Newsletter Ed), + others???

  • 9 Tours in 1988, and 2 organised by Qld branch - on Porcelain Art, and Steam engine enthusiasts

  • May 5 a Guangxi delegation visits Qld - meet Qld Government  and City Council reps.  Visit industries in SE Qld and Expo 88

  • ACFS members visit Chinese pavilion at Expo 88 - 30 members attend.

  • September - special meeting to discuss incorporation of ACFS

  • ACFS members attended special celebration at Expo 88 China pavilion for China's national Day.

  • November – ACS members host visiting scholars at a picnic at Bunya Park Wildlife sanctuary – 160 attend


  • Committee: Tom Loy(P), Nev Norrie, ( VP), Sue Shaw (Min S), Keith Jenvey(S), Guy Brehon (Special Committees), Mary McKeering (Bookshop C), Shirley Norrie(T),Laurie Woods(Tour S), Noel Bolton (Newsletter Ed), Olwyn Connolly (Membership Hospitality), Stephine Lypco (Social programme), Trish Deverall (Fund Raising), Cherie Mackay (Catering), Jennie Foreman (Student/scholar liaison), Barbara Woods.

  • Opening of "Harvest of Endurance" scroll (50 m long pictorial scroll depicting the history and contribution made by the Chinese people in Australia - at Qld Museum on 12th May by Deputy Premier Bill Gunn.

  • April ACFS delegation to China as guests of Youxie, including Qld rep Olwyn Connoly.

  • ACFS builds relationship with Qld Academy of Chinese Students QACS - mostly post-grads and visiting scholars

  • 12 Tours to China in 1989

  • June social ACFS gathering - at Nundah Resources Centre

  • June 25 - Chicken and champagne lunch for members and friends

  • June 29 ACFS discussion forum on recent events in China (Tien an Min Square events) - chaired by Colin MacKerras.   ACFS sends out a press release from the national ACFS on the situation in China stressing the need to work towards a better understanding of China in Australia.

  • August ACFS meeting at China Trade Centre, on Qi Gong - a lecture and demonstration by Jirong Zhang

  • Two Chinese university departments in Shanghai and Beijing ask ACFS to arrange for sending back issues of Womens Weekly and similar other magazines.

  • Sept 30 National day banquet at Deagon Enjoy-Inn

  • November bus trip to Coolangatta Tweed Heads golf club, dinner and entertainment

  • Discussion in ACFS newsletter on the upheavals in China (Tian anMen events), including a message from ACFS president Tom Loy, expressing confidence that the situation will be resolved in China.

  • December Xmas function - BBQ lunch at JC Slaughter Falls


  • New Year celebration at Vung Tau restaurant in Chinatown, with Consul General from Sydney.

  • 9 Tours in 1990, + Chinese language course

  • Committee program for 1990: guest speaker on National Minorities, Welcome banquet for Su Fei, BBQ get-together, National Conference, Guest speaker Paul Ivory, Film festival, hosting of Youxie delegation, Shanghai museum exhibition at Qld Museum, National Day Dinner, You Cha lunch, students and members Xmas picnic outing

  • March meeting - Colin Mackerra speaks on "National Minorities in China" at CWA

  • Committee: Tom Loy(P), Shirley Norrie & Don Connolly, ( VP), Amanda Connolly (Min S), Barbara Woods(S), Guy Brehon (Special Committees), Mary McKeering (Bookshop C), Trish Deverall(T),Laurie Woods(Tour S), Noel Bolton (Newsletter Ed), Olwyn Connolly (Membership Hospitality), Olwyn Connolly (Fund Raising), Cherie Mackay (Membership Secretary), Dorothy Law(Student/scholar liaison), Patrick Thornton, Ed Britten, Bernadette Bielenberg, Loretta Hodges, Len Deverall, Heather Manifold.

  • ACFS national council meets in Melbourne, Tom Loy and Noel Bolton as deleg.  DEbate over relationship of ACFS and the journal "Australia China Review" - two States (NT and NSW) strongly critical of Aust China Review, however the majority feeling was to retain it as de-facto ACFS magazine.

  • April ACFS hosts visit of Madame Su Fei, wife of late George Hatem (Ma Haide) - banquet in her honour - spoke on 4EB radio.

  • July meeting - Paul Ivory speaking on "Australia and the NE Asian Ascendency" at CWA hall

  • July - Barbara Woods travles as Qld delegate of a Friendship Association trip to China hosted by Youxie

  • Qld Trade Mission to China, led by Tom Burns.

  • as a result of Sister State relationship between Qld and Shanghai,  the "Treasures from Shanghai Museum" exhibition opens in Australia at Qld Museum

  • August – ACS members invited and attend  a China Evening in Ipswich, hosted by American Field Service.

  • Sept – President Tom Loy invited guest at opening of PRC new Embassy in Canberra

  • ACFS asks members to assist in finding accommodation for visiting Chinese academic.

  • September ACFS celebrates National Day at restaurant in Taringa, with Tom Burns as guest.

  • December Film evening at QUT Theatre with documentary films on China, lent by Chinese Embassy.

  • Brisbane City Council commissions a new "Brisbane China Committee" to  promote further business exchanges

  • Qld Government introduces new teacher exchange program, with Qld teachers working in China and Chinese teachers working in Qld.

  • December - annual ACFS members, Chinese students and scholars picnic to Moora Park, Shorncliff - 300 people attended.


  • AGM in February

  • Committee: Tom Loy(P), Shirley Norrie & Don Connolly, ( VP), Amanda Connolly (Min S), Barbara Woods(S), Guy Brehon (Special Committees), Patrick Thornton (Bookshop C), Trish Deverall(T),Laurie Woods(Tour S), Noel Bolton (Newsletter Ed), Olwyn Connolly (Program/Social/Education Officer/Student Liaison), Cherie Mackay (Membership Secretary), Heather Manifold (Catering), Rob McEllister, Colin Mackerras

  • March - special tour to China organised by Qld Branch - "Springtime in China"

  • March - Qld Branch fact-finding delegation to Guangxi Province as guests of China International Cultural Exchange Centre in Nanning, to further promote bi-lateral exchanges.  Guy Brehon lead the delegation, with Clayton Bredt (History Lecturer), John Biddulph (Paediatric Specialist), Leo Stewart (Technical Journalist), Leona Kitson (Education Dept liaison officer with braille expertise).

  • Newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to Ausralia, Mr Shi Chunlai visits Brisbane - ACFS rep at banquet Tom Loy.

  • Miriam Taylor, ACFS member and teacher, edits a series of articles on History and Philosophy of Chinese Quisine" in the ACFSnewsletter.

  • Shanghai acrobatics troupe visits Qld in March,  as a result of Qld Shanghai cultural exchanges.  They work with members of the Rock and Roll Circus, Brisbane modern circus troupe.

  • April meeting - report from Guangxi delegation, and talk by Dr Edmund Fung from Griffith Uni Asian Studies on "Perspectives for Democracy in China"..

  • May - ACFS members attend preformance by Shanghai Traditional Music Group at Conservatorium of music.

  • May 14th, ACFS members host a delegation from Traditional Chinese Medicine College of Guangxi at Emporer's Palace restaurant.  They visit Brisbane at invitation of Aust. College of Natural Medicine. - give lectures and workshops.

  • June - national ACFS meeting in Adelaide, with Tom Loy and Noel Bolton as reps.

  • September meeting - Colin Mackerras speaks on "An Australian in Tibet"

  • October 26 meeting - Greg Williamson (economist with expertise in Commonwealth and State Departments) speaks on "Wool Project  in China"

  • October - National Day Dinner with guest Beter Beattie, Member for Brisbane.

  • Notice for 1992 AGM in Feb 14, 1992, together with nominations : Don Connolly for P, Len Deverall, Colin Mackerras, Tom Loy for VP, Barbara Woods for S, Trish Deverall for T.  Tom Loy would stand aside as P according to by-law 11(b).

  • Members and students/scholars picnic at Shorncliffe parklands.


  • ACFS joins new year celeb of Chinese Associations in Brisbane at Cathay Club on 4th Feb

  • ACFS hold own new year celeb at Golden Palace on 8th Feb

  • AGM 14th Feb - Don Connolly elected as P, Barbara Woods as S   4 committee vacancies unfilled.

  • This election outcome is disputed, and a special general meeting is called on 8th April to discuss members concerns.  President Connolly refuses to hear these concerns, and closes meeting at 8:10pm.  92 members present decide to continue the meeting, and dismiss the new P, VP and S and T from office.  ACFS National Executive decides to refuse to recognise the former committee, and recognises a new temporary committee, to hold office until a new General Meeting on Fri 12 June, to elect a new ACFS committee.  Temp committee is Keith Jenvey (P), Matk Lymb, Margarita Jackson (VP), Nevilee Norrie (S) and Vida McGregor (T)

  • May 8 ACFS general meeting - National President Bruce Johnson attends, along with 33 members and 55 proxies.

  • June 12 - Special General meeting elects new ACFS Committee: Clayton Bredt (P), Mark Lymb and Guy Brehon (VP), Noel Bolton (S), Shirley Norrie (T), Denise Bradford, Carmen McLeod, Ruissell Elliott, Derek Hogben, John Terry, Margarida Jackson, Tom Loy, Roland McKay, Nev Norrie, Leo Stewart, Wang Xin.

  • ACFS jointly sponsors a Film Festival at Griffith uni with the Chinese scholars and students association

  • August meeting - demonstration of QiGong and martial arts, as well as a guest singer from Shanghai

  • August  - Guy Brehon and Jan Lloyd  returns from a friendship delegation to China as guests of Youxie

  • September - ACFS holds info stall at Warana Festival at South Bank, the Festival theme for 1992 is "Celebrate China" - , and a joint ACFS/Warana Festival management  welcome BBQ for visiting Chinese friends who participate in Chinese cultural activities at the Festival.  Also noted Chinese writers and poets visit and speak at Warana Writers festival - Wang Meng, Yang Xianyi, Gladys Yang , Mang Ke and Sang Ye

  • October - ACFS Qld branch assists Harbin Medical College to hire an English teacher, and selects applicant Alana Leong who is employed by the college for 12 months

  • ACFS members assist Chinese students to find suitable accomodation in Brisbane.

  • November Colin Mackerras talks on "National Minorities in China"

  • December end-of-year BBQ at Bedford playground near Chinatown, with 170 people attending


  • Committee:  Clayton Bredt (P), Noel Bolton (S) Guy Brehon, Denise Bradford, Shan Clark, Derek Hogben, Tom Loy, Mark Lymb, Nev Norrie, Chirley Norrie, Merran Sanger, Wang Xin

  • 9 Tours to China in 1993.   

  • Chinese language classes continued at ACFS centre

  • Qld Branch hosts the national ACFS conference in May at Yungaba, Kangaroo Point, including a keynote address by Prof Colin Mackerras. Tom Loy makes ACFS history as the first ethnic Chinese President of ACFS. with Jeff Emmett (SA) as VP. 100 guests and members attend the conference banquet

  • May 21 - ACFS film night with 50 members attending, a showing of feature film "Midnight Singer".

  • Life member of ACFS Qld Branch Dorothy Luck dies. - Dorothy was secretary of ACS during 1960s and early 1970s.

  • July - ACFS assists Guangxi  biochemist Prof Huang Ri Bo, to find a billet for him  in Brisbane

  • September  Guangxi slide evening and presentation by Clayton Bredt on Guangxi - past and present.

  • ACFS "trade and friendship" group set up in the ACFS to encourage more people with business interests in China to join the ACFS.  Led by Maurice Jarman

  • new ACFS member Dr Jeff Tullberg jointly researches environmentally friendly  farming with Chinese agriculture researchers, and writes this up for ACFS

  • Dr Dianne Loy, daughter of Tom Loy, features in Westside news as current Australian weightlifting champion for her weight category.

  • National Day dinner

  • November - annual Bill Morrow Lecture held at Yungaba Conference Room, with Dr Jeff Tullberg speaking. (the lecture is usually held in the State where the national conference has been held that year)

  • December - Xmas gettogether Bedford Playground, Spring Hill

  • Special general meeting of ACFS Dec 12th to make decision on constitution changes to allow ACFS to apply for tax free status 9winding up clauses needed to be changed)


  • Feb 10 - Chinese new year celebration dinner at Ming Dynasty restaurant

  • Feb - Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade agrees to export of livestock to China, in order for Bob Brooks to send two special bred horses as a gift to the Chinese people, in Guangxi.  Bob's horses are a special breed which should be of particular value to Chinese agricultural work.

  • 5 Tours to China in 1994

  • March - a delegation from Youxie visits Brisbane, and hosted by ACFS members

  • March - Wuhan State Acrobatic Troupe visits Brisbane  - over 100 ACFS members attend.

  • 130 members of ACFS in 1994

  • AGM held at CWA hall in Feb.

  • Committee:  Guy Brehon (P), Noel Bolton & Merran Sanger (VP), Tom Loy (S), Shirley Norrie (T), Clayton Bredt (Imm PP), Ina Bade, Maurice Jarman, Derek Hogben, Shan Clarke, Tao Hui, Carol Baxter, Rosemary Andrews.

  • Chinese language classes continue

  • ACFS members hold a dinner to welcome new Chinese Ambassador to Aust., Hua Junduo and his wife.  130 people attend function.

  • May meeting - presentation on tours to China for 1994  Special interest tours organised by ACFS continue to be organised.

  • ACFS holds market stalls at Griffith Uni

  • May 27th - film showing at CWA on "The Woman who makes sesame oil" - feature film.

  • June 24- Film showings at CWA - Dragon Year Cops - feature film.

  • July 29 - lecture on "Mysteries of Chinese Herbal medicine" by Daniel He from Aust College of Natural Medicine

  • July 26 - public lecture on Contemporary Theatre in China by distinguished Chinese playwright Mdme Li Yingning,  run by UQ

  • August - Yunnan table tennis team arrive for games   ACFS welcomes team at social function

  • ACFS national Conference with Carol Baxter as Qld rep.  Qld proposal to distribute tour funds in proportion to branch size (rather than numbers of branch members on tours) accepted by all States except NSW.

  • ACFS members fit out a function room adjacent to ACFS bookshop (upstairs in Wickham Tce ).  Opening and social of the function room in November.

  • October - ACFS friendship delegation to China, includes Tom Loy as leader.

  • National Day banquet in October, with 90 members attending

  • Chinese local Government Ministers delegation visits Brisbane after attending Sister Cities conference in Perth - ACFS members escort delegation on sigh-seeing visits to Coast etc.

  • Qld member Chai Heng McConnell wins ACFS national scholarship to China.  will study market s in Shanghai and Beijing and new crop developments.

  • ACFS works with Union of Australian Women to organise a special tour to the Fourth World Women's Conference in Bejing in 1995.


  • ACFS members join Cathay Club and Aust China Chamber of Commerce in New Year Celebration  on 4th Feb

  • AGM held in March

  • Committee: Guy Brehon (P),Merran Sanger, Tom Loy (VP), Rosemary Andrews (S), Shirley Norrie (T), Clayton Bredt (Imm PP), Ina Bade, Maurice Jarman, Wennie Jarman, Shan Clarke, Carol Baxter, Noel Bolton, Alice Chan.

  • Beijing Youxie rep visits Brisbane to set up Sister City relationship with Qld Branch.

  • Horse Sports officials from Inner Mongolia visit Brisbane, and also Bob Brooks farm at Southbrook to look at horses for breeding

  • ACFS sets up Sub-Committee focussed on Trade with China

  • 9 Tours in 1995

  • October - joint info night on tours to China, with Qld China Business Council

  • November - ACFS Small Business Sympiosium and tour info evening


  • Committee:  Guy Brehon (P),Michael Johnson & Tom Loy (VP), Rosemary Andrews (S),  Clayton Bredt (Imm PP), Shirley Norrie (T)Maurice Jarman, Wennie Jarman, Shan Clarke, Carol Baxter, Merran Sanger, Matthew Horton, Mark Henry

  • 6 Tours in 1996.

  • May film night - "Yang Gui Fei" historiacl feature film

  • June - ACFS National Conference in Darwin.  Qld Branch Rosemary Andrews elected as national Treasurer.

  • Australian Sister Cities Annual conference in Cairns in July

  • November  - Special General meeting to address anomalies  re ACFS constitution and election of office bearers.


  • Committee: Rosemary Andrews (P & Nat T)), Tom Loy (VP and Nat Imm PP), Guy Brehon (S),  Clayton Bredt (Imm PP), Ian Lang (T),Maurice Jarman, Wennie Jarman, Shan Clarke (Bookshop M), Carol Baxter (Nat Exec Rep), Merran Sanger (Lang Class Coordin), Laurence Lapalud (Tour S), Jan Norton (Social C), Alys Matovic, Ina Bade, Giscard Brehon (Newsletter Ed).

  • March - Bob Brook finally donates one of his special horses to Chinese people of Mongolia - cross bred Arabian horse with grey pigmentation less susceptible to skin cancers

  • August Qld Museum holds exhibition of Mao Ze Dong memorabilia

  • September National Day banquet =- with special guest Michael Choi (MLA)


  • Committee: Tom Loy (P), Rosemary Andrews (Nat T)), Guy Brehon (VP),  Terry Clohessy (S), Norm Hung (T), Shan Clarke (Bookshop M),  Merran Sanger (Social Coordin), Ina Bade (Inbound Tour S),  Giscard Brehon (Newsletter Ed), Mylan Tu (Social C, Nat Council D,)

  • October film evening  - doco on Marital Customs in China at ACFS bookshop.

  • Oct - National Day banquet

  • November 9, delegation from Chinese Enviro protection Investigation  - dealing with purification of air, water, garbage and sewage. - welcome dinner.


  • AGM in February

  • Committee: Guy Brehon (P), Don Wilson (S),Colin Mackerras (VP), Tom Loy (T), Josie L:ee (Ass S), Peter Wang, Richard Lange,  David Matters, Bill Silvey, Howard Tebble, Ross Gwyther.

  • March - Seminar on "China Friend or Foe" at Parliament House, with 100 people attending.  Speakers Colin Mackerras, Reg Little, Ron Keith, Michael Choi.  Chaired by Ron Monaghan, General Secretary of QCU

  • August BBQ lunch with Chinese students at Wellington Point - travel by bus60th Anniv Fair for China National Day Sep 19, with BBQ lunch, performing arts, photo display, and Evening banquet

  • August talk by Colin Mackerras on recent riots in Urumchi

  • Sept lunchtime dinner with Grace Grace speaking about recent trade union visit to China.


  • AGM in 28 March

  • Committee:  Guy Brehon (P), Tom Loy (Patron), Norm Hung (S), Ross Gwyther and Don Wilson (VP), Josie Lee (T), Noel Bolton, Peter Wang, Robert James (Gold Coast rep), Richard Lange, Kathleen Kinley, David Matters, Bill Silvey, Howard Tebble.

  • May - Guy Brehon and Wang Xin attend a talk at Balmoral High School and talk to students about

  • August Meeting at Aam's restaurant, with Colin Mackerras on travels in Tibet and India - report from his recent trip.

  • Acfs members attend Multicultural Festival in Roma St Parklands

  • Sept Friendship Tour to China, with Norm Hung and Tom Loy as deleg


  • AGM held in March

  • March - ACFS joins with Chinese United Council (CUC), and Chinese Communities in Qld, to welcome new Consul General in Brisbane, Dr Sun Dali

  • March - Sept - ACFS assists Gap State High School in building up for an intensive language immersion project in China in 2012

  • Committee:  Guy Brehon (P), Tom Loy (Patron), Norm Hung (S), Ross Gwyther and Don Wilson (VP), Josie Lee (T), Noel Bolton, Peter Wang, Robert James (Gold Coast rep)< Kathleen Kinley, Colin Mackerras, David Matters, Bill Silvey, Howard Tebble.

  • Sept ACFS members are gusts at Consulate function to celebrate 62nd anniv of CPC

  • Keith Jenvey dies in 25th June.  Members attend Keiths funeral and support his wife Zing Zhou.

  • AFS holds luncheon in celebration of 90th anniversary of formation of Chinese Communist Party on 31st July

  • Lunch with friendship delegation from Jiang Su.  The delegation is travelling to Bundaberg to establish a sister city relationship.

  • ACFS members attend multicultural festival  in October in Roma St Parklands.


  • AGM in Feb.

  • Committee: Ross Gwyther (P), Tom Loy (Patron), Norm Hung (S), Guy Brehon and Don Wilson (VP), Josie Lee (T), Noel Bolton, Peter Wang, , Colin Mackerras, Howard Tebble.

  • 14th October - lunchtime discussion with members of Chinese Scientists and Engineerrs Association, Dr Linzhou Wang on "developments in renewable energy in China", with 40 people attending

  • Seminar and Reception on 24 Nov to celebrate 40th anniversary of Australia China Relations - organised jointly with Consulate General , and supported by the three Confucius Institutes in Brisbane as well as QCU.  130 people attend.  7 speakers Lilla Watson, Graham Freudenberg, Manfred Cross, Sim Hayward, Reg Little, Ron Keith, as well as Ross Gwyther (as ACFS P) and Dr Sun Dali.  Also music by Haichun and Sunshine  Philharmonic Choir.

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